The accidentaland natural beauty of pottery 手作りの左右非対称と均一でない美しさ!

I read “日本の手仕事をつなぐ旅 うつわ (written by久野恵一(1947-2015))”
鎌倉でもやい工藝という陶器のお店をしていて、日本の民藝の運動に大きな影響を与えていた、久野恵一さんの本、“日本の手仕事をつなぐ旅 うつわ (久野恵一(1947-2015)”を読みました(^^)
I think the author thought good pottery had
(Of course the skill of forming and artistic quality is most important)
- warmth 暖かさ
- ununiformity 均一ではない
- left-right asymmetric 左右非対称
- simplicit 単純さ
At Japanese culture the contingency and the natural is important by tradition(See).
久野恵一 did for Arts and Crafts Movemen (by William Morris) for pottery in Japan. He had pottery(Arts and Crafts) shop”鎌倉 もやい工藝”. The pottery in Japan had big influenced by Arts and Crafts Movemen in Japan. The Japan Folk Crafts Museum exhibit works as to Arts and Crafts Movemen in Japan.
Reference: “日本の手仕事をつなぐ旅 うつわ (written by久野恵一(1947-2015))”