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Hasami ceramic-traditional forms, modern design 進化し続ける波佐見焼

Hasami ceramic-traditional forms, modern design 進化し続ける波佐見焼

The porcelain was made in the area of the former around the town of Hasami. Especially blue and white ware and celadon are termed Hasami ceramic. With Arita, Hasami was part of the great porcelain production area.



Especially of Mori Masahiro. (1927-2005) is a major modern Japanese porcelain designer. Mori designed at Hakusan Toki Co.,Ltd. He received Many national and international prizes.





He combined contemporary serial production with traditional manual arts and crafts. He also designed dish series for Muji, a company with a wide selection of products and many shops worldwide have a series of Hasami ceramic production.



Along with traditional forms, modern design is there now in Hasami ceramic.


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