Hiroshi Teshigahara Pottery

Hiroshi Teshigahara is the 3rd Ikebana Sogestu School headmaster and acclaimed filmmaker*. As the son of Sofu Teshigahara, the founder of Ikebana Sogetsu School, Hiroshi Teshigahara became the 3rd headmaster.
Hiroshi Teshigahara built Sogetsu Pottery Kiln in Echizen Town of Nyu-gun, Fukui Prefecture.
The pottery in Echizen is fired chiefly at higher temperatures. Therefore, the pottery in Echizen often has the warmth of clay. Hiroshi Teshigahara pottery often took on distorted shapes. I felt his pottery, the warmth of the clay from distorted shapes, even if glaze pottery.
*Hiroshi Teshigahara has another well-known face as an award-winning filmmaker. The adaption film of Kobo Abe’s novel with the same title, “Woman in the Dunes,” won numerous awards. Hiroshi passed away in 2001. He introduced Japanese traditional culture – ikebana, tea ceremony, and pottery worldwide.