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Warmth and In Praise of Shadows! Mashiko Powdered Clay


Warmth and In Praise of Shadows! Mashiko Powdered Clay

The first Mashiko pottery I saw in Tokyo was "Kobiki". "Kohiki" is a type of pottery fired by covering a base of clay with a layer of white clay called "shirokoe" (white make-up) and glaze.The indescribable gentleness of "kohiki", and the shinogi (shaving) that looks like a traditional Japanese repetitive pattern, completely attracted me to the Mashiko pottery. Looking back on it now, this fascination with "kohiki" made me decide to go to the Mashiko pottery market.


When I finally went to the Mashiko pottery market, a man at the pottery store told the other customers that "Kobiki" is a popular representative technique of Mashiko, in which shapes are made with brown clay and decorated with white decorative clay.


Hearing this, I thought "kohiki" was beautiful and bought several "kohiki" dishes! The dish in the photo is the one I purchased at that time. I was also fascinated by the traditional Japanese chrysanthemum shape.






It is warm and elegant! 


"Kobiki" is derived from "white as if powdered". The presence of brownish clay under the white clay gives it a warmer atmosphere than porcelain, and the chrysanthemum shapes and shinogi patterns provide the white color a shaded appearance in light and shadow, creating an accidental expression that can be enjoyed. You can also enjoy a bit of the world of Junichiro Tanizaki's "In Praise of Shadows," who loved the world of light and shadow.



The "shinogi" process of shaving the surface of ceramics creates shades of white!  陶器の表面を削る『しのぎ』で、白に陰影を!

A cup of powder. 『It has a purge 』!

A cup made of "kohiki" (powder-coated porcelain). The surface of the cup has been shinogi (shinogi is the process of shaving off the surface of a piece of pottery)!

Shinogi, the process of shaving the surface of ceramics, also creates shades and shadows on the white surface, giving it an expressive appearance. Shinogi is often applied to Kohiki!



The atmosphere is soft and gentle! Cosmetic clay

どこか柔らかく、優しい雰囲気! 化粧土茶色い土の上に、白っぽい化粧土がほどこされているそうです!

A white-colored clay is applied on top of brown-colored clay! 茶色い土の上に、白っぽい化粧土がほどこされているそうです!

 Porcelain and ceramics decorated with white clay, such as "Kobiki," have a different atmosphere and taste from porcelain and ceramics decorated only with glaze! We hope you will enjoy them in your daily life.


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